November 13, 2023

International Fraud Awareness Week takes place November 12 – 18, 2023

Fraud Awareness Week highlights how crucial it is for organizations to pause and reflect on the evolving landscape of fraud risks. In an era where the convergence of technology and human ingenuity continues to shape our world, the need for proactive risk management is more pressing than ever. As a risk advisory consultant, my mission is to assist organizations in identifying, mitigating, and preventing fraud risks that could jeopardize their missions.

Fraud Risk Trends

Fraudsters are adaptive adversaries, constantly evolving to exploit vulnerabilities in systems and processes. In recent years, we’ve witnessed a surge in cyber-enabled fraud, social engineering attacks, and insider threats:

  • Cyber-Enabled Fraud: Cybercriminals employ sophisticated techniques to exploit weaknesses in digital systems, making it imperative for organizations to prioritize cybersecurity.
  • Social Engineering Attacks: Human manipulation remains a potent weapon in the fraudster’s arsenal. Social engineering attacks, such as phishing and pretexting, target individuals to gain unauthorized access or extract sensitive information. Awareness and education are crucial in mitigating the risks associated with these deceptive tactics.
  • Insider Threats: Organizations face risks not only from external actors but also from within. Insider threats, whether intentional or unintentional, pose a significant risk to data security and financial integrity. Implementing effective internal controls and monitoring mechanisms is essential in addressing insider risks.

Managing Fraud Risks

Managing fraud risks goes beyond mere compliance—it should be an integral part of every organization’s overall strategy and be a consideration for all departments, not just finance and accounting. Incorporating robust fraud risk management practices as a component of your enterprise risk management function is a proactive measure that aligns with your broader business objectives and mission.

Risks for Small to Medium Organizations

Small to medium-sized nonprofits, with employee counts ranging from 20 to 500, are not immune to fraud risks. In fact, they might be more susceptible due to resource constraints and a lack of dedicated risk management functions. Common risks include misappropriation of funds, procurement fraud, and insider threats.  If it is not already part of your internal audit process, we highly recommend that you perform assessments of high-risk processes to identify strategies for risk mitigation and business process improvement.

Cybersecurity Risks

The digitization of operations has opened new avenues for cyber threats. Nonprofits handle sensitive donor information and financial data, making them attractive targets for cybercriminals. Inside actors also now have access to large amounts of data through system integrations and cloud-based SaaS applications which increases the opportunity to commit and conceal fraudulent activity. Our cybersecurity team specializes in assessing and fortifying internal and external cybersecurity defenses, ensuring that your organization’s digital infrastructure remains resilient against the ever-evolving cyber threats.

Proactively Identify Fraud

In the fight against fraud, an organization’s greatest asset is its people. Whistleblower programs empower employees to speak up when they witness unethical or fraudulent behavior. Establishing a culture that encourages reporting without fear of retaliation is crucial. Our Certified Fraud Examiners can guide you in developing and implementing world-class whistleblower programs, assessing your current whistleblower program, and investigating whistleblower allegations.

GRF Can Help

As you contemplate the importance of Fraud Awareness Week, consider taking proactive steps to protect your nonprofit from the ever-present threat of fraud. Our Risk Advisory team is here to partner with you, providing the expertise needed to fortify your organization against today’s evolving risks. Our services go beyond traditional risk management by providing tailored solutions to address the specific challenges faced by nonprofits. Partnering with us gives you access to a team of experienced professionals dedicated to safeguarding your organization’s mission and reputation.

To ensure you safeguard your mission and protect your resources, contact us today and let us help you navigate the complex landscape of fraud risks.

Mac Lillard, GRF


Senior Manager, Risk & Advisory Services