June 5, 2015

G2015 Mid Year Tax Planning Letter for Web_Page_01elman, Rosenberg & Freedman’s 2015 midyear tax planning letter is now available!

The first half of 2015 has demonstrated significant uncertainty regarding taxes. A number of tax provisions set to expire at the end of last year were extended thought the details are unclear. An effort by the U.S. House of Representatives to repeal the estate tax has not yet gained enough votes to pass legislation.

However, more clarity is available regarding changes to IRA rollovers in 2015, that is, taxpayers may only make one IRA-to-IRA rollover per year.

Nevertheless, as we do every year, Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs presents its mid-year tax planning letter to help you make sense of ongoing tax issues and considerations. For the full, 23-page document, click on the image to the right or here.
Below is an overview of some topics covered by this year’s letter.

• Inflation adjustments
• Timing of deductions
• Noncash contributions can be money in your pocket
• Capital gains rates and net investment income tax
• Home office safe harbor
• Home office deduction for a corporation
• Tangible property regulations