May 8, 2017

Nonprofit Audit Senior Accountant Omid Mohebbi was nominated to the board of The Homeless Children’s Playtime Project. Mr. Mohebbi will be serving as Treasurer. The Homeless Children’s Playtime Project‘s mission is to nurture healthy child development and reduce the effects of trauma among children living in temporary housing programs in Washington D.C.

Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman is committed to continued involvement in our communities, and pride ourselves on the ability of our people to give back. We encourage everyone on our team to participate with local nonprofits, whether on a board or simply taking a few hours to volunteer on the weekends or after work.

We are very proud of Mr. Mohebbi for making this commitment. He is relieving GRF Partner David Graling, who was Treasurer previously for The Homeless Children’s Playtime Project. You can read more about The Homeless Children’s Playtime Project here.