January 3, 2020

2020 marks the addition of GRF CPAs & Advisors President and Managing Partner, Jackie Cardello, CPA to the board of directors of CPAmerica International. Ms. Cardello joins fellow inductee Greg Denning of Larson & Company, PC as the organization’s newest board members.

With 24 years in the accounting industry, Ms. Cardello has been involved in the activities of CPAmerica for many years and graduated from the New Leading Partner group in 2018. From her CPAmerica Member Spotlight interview around the same time, Ms. Cardello highlighted the importance of “member sharing by all modes and methods” within the CPAmerica community. About the benefits of membership she added, “knowing that I have people that I can reach out to and get an immediate response with guidance and advice is the most valuable piece.”

In the new year, Ms. Cardello looks forward to utilizing her expertise and experience in order to promote growth, improved client service and increased membership involvement within the CPAmerica community. Click here to read about Jackie’s election to the board of directors.