ERM in Nonprofit Organizations

Enterprise Risk Management Tailored to Tax-Exempt Organizations


GRF formed a strategic partnership with North Carolina State (NC State) University’s Poole College of Management’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Initiative to bring powerful insights and tailored ERM consulting to tax-exempt organizations including public charities, private foundations, associations, international NGOs and colleges and universities.

Recent Publications

Read our latest sponsored publication, Getting Started with Enterprise Risk Management, A Guide for Nonprofits.

Virtual Workshops

Join GRF and NC State’s Poole College of Management’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Initiative for the annual ERM in Nonprofits virtual workshop series in Spring 2022. More details coming soon!

Thought Leadership

Read GRF’s Leading Best Practices Report for a look at how nonprofit organizations are using ERM to increase efficiency, plan for the future and achieve strategic objectives.

For additional articles, blog posts, white papers and presentations about risk management, visit our Resources page. Topics include digital transformation, internal audit, cybersecurity as well as ERM implementation for nonprofits.

Annual ERM Workshop

The annual ERM in Nonprofit Organizations in-person workshop brings together individuals leading ERM efforts at nonprofit organizations. Held at NC State’s Carter Finely Stadium in Raleigh, NC, the interactive 2-day program provides high-level, hands-on training designed to promote peer-to-peer learning and promote industry best practices.  Read our summary of the 2019 ERM in Nonprofit Organizations workshop.

Stay tuned for dates in 2022.


Contact Us

Melissa Musser, CPA, CIA, CITP, CISA

Partner and Director, Risk & Advisory Services