July 19, 2018
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Building a Secure and Efficient IT Infrastructure for Nonprofits

Click here for the slide deck.

One of the most pressing business issues for nonprofits today is the management and security of the organization’s data. Recent headlines have demonstrated that no organization is immune to a cyber breach. Failure to adequately address your IT infrastructure can lead to a failure of IT controls and processes, a devastating interruption to your operations, and even total loss of vital data.

Join us for an interactive discussion led by recognized IT experts to learn what savvy organizations are doing to ensure they are protected while also streamlining their IT. You will come away with valuable insights and strategies to transform your organization and support your mission.


  • The benefits of cloud technology
  • Cybersecurity and cloud
  • Update on cyber threats and how to respond to a breach
  • How an IT audit can protect your data assets and highlight inefficiencies

Participants will earn 1.5 CPE credits for their participation.

The seminar will be presented by Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman Partner Ricardo Trujillo, CPA, CITP, CISA and Tabush Group Founder & President Morris Tabush

Limited Space – RSVP now!

RSVP here: marketing@grfcpa.com

Ricardo Trujillo, CPA, CITP, CISA

Partner, Audit and Assurance

Read Bio