Industries: International NGOs

Fraud Awareness Tips and Resources

International Fraud Awareness Week takes place November 12 – 18, 2023 Fraud Awareness Week highlights how crucial it is for organizations to pause and reflect on the evolving landscape of fraud risks. In an era where the convergence of technology and human ingenuity continues to shape our world, the need for proactive risk management is…

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A Guide to Third Party Risk Management

Understanding and mitigating third party risk has become more important than ever, which makes now the perfect time for your organization to implement a third-party risk management program. This guide covers several aspects of third-party risk management, including steps for developing a program, tips for vetting new vendors, and the new risks presented by AI tools.

Cybersecurity and Privacy Become Key ESG Imperatives

Cybersecurity and privacy issues have become prominent ESG concerns as organizations frequently manage sensitive information concerning their beneficiaries, employees, third parties, and other stakeholders. Protecting this data from cyber threats and ensuring privacy is a crucial responsibility, as stakeholders expect organizations to have robust cybersecurity measures in place to safeguard their personal information. Failure to…

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Risk Management is on the Rise at Not-For-Profit Organizations

2023 State of Risk Oversight Survey Results By Amy Wares, CPA, MBA, Enterprise Risk Management Specialist Managing risk is more challenging than ever. New research reveals that not-for-profit organizations are responding by expanding their risk management practices. On July 11, 2023, the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Initiative at NC State University published the 14th edition…

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How ERM Helps Organizations Navigate Their ESG Journey

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) frameworks provide a sustainable approach to doing business. Existing ERM tools can help support these efforts.

Optimize Risk Management Efforts with Enhanced Collaboration

To some extent, all business functions are responsible for managing risks. However, certain departments have direct responsibilities in risk management, such as Internal Audit, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), and Fraud Risk Management. Integrating and fostering collaboration between these functions can result in more effectively addressing risks and protecting against fraudulent activities. This is particularly critical…

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How INGOs Can Maximize Their Internal Audit Function

International Non-governmental Organizations (INGOs) are particularly vulnerable to fraudulent activity due to their multinational offices and dependence on remote access technologies. These geographically dispersed organizations need to get the full benefit of their internal audit function, where most fraud can be detected or prevented. This was a prevailing issue at a recent Humentum CEO Roundtable…

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Best Practices for Mitigating Risk in Expense Reporting Platforms

Expense reporting platforms have simplified the review and approval processes, making it easier to submit documentation for payment. However, this convenience can also lead to less stringent review of submitted documents and opportunities for changing electronic receipts. As a result, organizations need to implement best practices to reduce the risk associated with these reporting systems….

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How Internal Audit Can Support Whistleblower Investigations

Do you know if an employee is stealing from your company?  Quite often, the first hint of a problem comes from an insider tip. Having a comprehensive whistleblower program in place is a powerful early warning mechanism for identifying potential fraud or misconduct. If you have an internal audit function, you already have the tools…

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