Industries: International NGOs

Hacktivist Shares: Are you being targeted?

GRF Cybersecurity Risk Assessment and Scorecard Blog Series     Hackers and malicious attackers will often publicize their targets in various forums or on the dark web, so they can gather support and intelligence for taking down a website or finding vulnerabilities within an organization. Hacktivists are hackers who are politically and/or socially motivated. Their targets…

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Identity and Access Management (IAM): Who is accessing your data?

GRF Cybersecurity Risk Assessment and Scorecard Blog Series     Simply put, Identity and Access Management (IAM) is the discipline of allowing the right individuals to have access to the right resources at the right times for the right reasons. As hackers have gotten more sophisticated, organizations must take steps to ensure that users attempting to…

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Know your site’s SSL/TLS Strength: Is your encryption up to date?

GRF Cybersecurity Risk Assessment and Scorecard Blog Series     Most organizations have secured their data with encryption, but security protocols are evolving rapidly in response to sophisticated cyberattacks. Ensuring your organization has the latest SSL/TLS protocols enabled is necessary to help establish trust, ensure data privacy for your users, and to prevent data breaches. Risks…

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GRF Cybersecurity Risk Assessment and Scorecard Blog Series

Remote work has exposed existing cybersecurity vulnerabilities and created new ones. How is your organization responding? The GRF Cybersecurity Risk Assessment and Scorecard provides a baseline diagnostic to help you analyze your organization’s risk and develop an appropriate compliance strategy. You may be surprised to discover you already have the right tools – you just…

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The Auditor’s Guide to Successful Virtual Audits for INGOs

The global pandemic disrupted the important work of many international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) while also introducing new organizational risks and complicating their ability to meet grant compliance requirements. To assist INGOs during the unprecedented time, auditors leveraged technology and offered virtual audits while business travel and onsite visits were suspended. Although remote engagements allowed many…

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Application Security: Are you protecting important information on your website?

GRF Cybersecurity Risk Assessment and Scorecard Blog Series     Web applications are a top target for attackers. Hackers are constantly searching the web to find common vulnerabilities that they can use to exploit your website and data. Not having the proper security controls in place can result in an attacker bypassing authorization controls to steal…

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Assessing Your Digital Footprint: What do people see about your organization?

GRF Cybersecurity Risk Assessment and Scorecard Blog Series     It’s crucial for your organization to have an online presence to effectively communicate your brand and your mission. However, you may not be aware of everything that people can see. If end-users are not able to find your organization online – or they find misleading, incorrect,…

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Website Security: Is your front door open?

GRF Cybersecurity Risk Assessment and Scorecard Blog Series     Identifying and mitigating website risks Data breaches are costly, and the monetary risk is massive. According to a recent IBM report, the average total cost of a data breach in the U.S. is $8.64 million, but even a smaller number can be devastating, depending on the…

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