Industries: Nonprofits and Associations

How ERM Helps Organizations Navigate Their ESG Journey

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) frameworks provide a sustainable approach to doing business. Existing ERM tools can help support these efforts.

How to Set Up a World-Class Whistleblower Program

Early detection can limit the impact of fraud, and insider tips are by far the most effective source. Having a comprehensive whistleblower program in place is a powerful tool for identifying this potential fraud or misconduct. Join GRF as we discuss the process for establishing a secured incident reporting platform that includes online reporting, document…

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HIPAA Compliance and Financials: What to Look for and What’s Next

When you think about HIPAA compliance, your financial management system might not immediately come to mind. Keeping your protected health information (PHI) protected means protecting all of it—including PHI in your financial management system. The Sage Intacct Advanced Audit Trail can help you on your path toward full compliance. View the eBook

Grants Financial Management with Cloud-Based Accounting Technology

Keep your nonprofit ahead of the curve on compliance and reporting.

Building Your TRNA Schedule Report

Today, you can manage all your organization’s operations – from finance and accounting to human resource management to project management – within one system. With a cloud-based ERP, you have the benefit of faster implementation, scalability, and security.

Considering Blackbaud? 9 reasons why Sage Intacct is a better choice

Prepare to be amazed as you explore the compelling advantages of Sage Intacct over Blackbaud. From groundbreaking features to unparalleled scalability, this game-changing resource will revolutionize your organization’s financial management. Are you ready to embrace the future of success? Delve deeper into the details and view more by clicking the link below. View Now

NonProfit+ Grant Management Module

Discover NonProfit+, your ultimate solution for grant management. Software is designed to meet the unique needs of nonprofit organizations, enabling seamless tracking, management, and reporting of grants. With the Grant Management module, you can easily maintain funding sources, handle grants as both grantee and grantor, and leverage strong grant budgeting capabilities. Gain a comprehensive view…

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Ins and Outs of Private Foundations

The term “501(c)(3) organization” — which refers to the Internal Revenue Code section governing not-for-profit entities — often is used interchangeably with “public charity.” But not all 501(c)(3) organizations are public charities. Some are private foundations, and they’re subject to different tax rules. Individual and Family Charity A private foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization created…

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Best Practices for Mitigating Risk in Expense Reporting Platforms

Expense reporting platforms have simplified the review and approval processes, making it easier to submit documentation for payment. However, this convenience can also lead to less stringent review of submitted documents and opportunities for changing electronic receipts. As a result, organizations need to implement best practices to reduce the risk associated with these reporting systems….

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