Industries: Nonprofits and Associations

Community-Based Nonprofit Proactively Addresses Cybersecurity Challenges

A medical facility serving homeless patients was dealing with a newly-hybrid work environment, increased government scrutiny on IT security, and rising cyberattacks. Learn how a cybersecurity assessment provided a low-cost option for them to understand their cyber posture, prioritize tasks for mitigating risks, and make informed decisions.

It’s a Journey: Not-for-Profit Finance and Accounting Software Selection

By Jim Norton, CPA This article was published in the Fall 2022 issue of Connecticut CPA. If your organization is still generating manual reports, printing paper checks, and/or collecting antiquated expense reports, it’s time to revisit your finance and accounting software. Not-for-profits and associations are experiencing the same pain points as their corporate counterparts, including…

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Your Organization’s Guide to Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a part of every organization’s daily life. Want to learn how to protect your organization but become overwhelmed by the technical jargon? Join GRF CPAs & Advisors to learn the critical elements of a cybersecurity program that organizations of any size can follow. We will discuss the various benefits of a well-devised IT…

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