Kinds: Articles

Majority of Americans Own Smartphones

Cell phones are being called the most quickly adopted consumer technology in history as new studies show that 91 percent of Americans now own a cell phone. That’s up from 65 percent in 2004. And smartphones are now used by 56 percent of American adults, according to new research by the Pew Research Center. Among…

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Bargain Sale: Selling to Charity for Undervalued Price

If one of your potential donors owns an asset that would be helpful to your organization, you might consider a bargain sale: purchasing the item from the donor, but not at full price. For instance, suppose the donor owns a valuable piece of artwork that a museum would like to acquire. Although the individual would…

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Litigation Support: Four Ways a CPA Can Help Attorneys

Forensic accounting and business valuation often play integral roles in litigation. Here are four types of cases where a financial expert can be of particular assistance to attorneys. 1. Shareholder disputes/partnership dissolutions Valuation experts can assist in determining a fair value for an owner’s stake in the business. Or, fraud experts can determine if malfeasance…

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Employers More Lenient on Online Shopping

Companies nationwide appear to be becoming more lenient when it comes to personal use of the Internet by employees. A new survey reports that only 33 percent of employers now block their employees from shopping online during business hours at work, down from 60 percent just one year ago. That said, more than half of…

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Volunteers Who Travel: What They Can Deduct

Many people spend part of their summer engaged in charitable activities – from building homes to refurbishing charitable facilities to cleaning up storm-damaged communities. If any of your volunteers travel to perform charitable work for you or other groups, let them know that if they itemize their tax deductions, their out-of-pocket costs may be tax-deductible….

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Always Give the Perception That Any Fraud Will Be Detected

One of the key elements to understanding fraud is to realize that, where opportunities exist, perpetrators can act. An organization’s ability to heighten the perception that fraud will be detected will substantially lessen the likelihood of its occurrence. Perpetrators are less likely to commit fraud if they believe they will be caught. Controls could exist…

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Tax Returns Reveal Valuable Information

If income taxes are one of the few guarantees in life, the necessity to file income tax returns is another. This is fortunate because tax returns can be a wealth of information. For example, information obtained can assist in the process of conducting essential due diligence or provide information needed in litigation. Fraud, errors, inconsistencies…

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Review Repair Contracts Closely

Before you sign any contract with a home repair contractor or remodeler, make certain it will protect you, your home and your wallet. Here are a few items to look for in the contract: Party identification, signatures, dates. Contracts should identify the contractor’s name, company name, contractor number and contact information. The date of signing…

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Four Tips to Avoid Damaging Smartphones and Laptops

Many of us live a big part of our lives through our smartphones, tablets or laptops. But are we taking care that we don’t damage the devices that we often take for granted? Consumer Reports magazine offers four tips to help keep your electronic devices in good working order: 1. Connect carefully. When you are…

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How to Prepare for a Media Interview

Miracle upon miracle. After weeks or months of pitching, cajoling, pleading and flattering, a member of the fourth estate has agreed to do a piece on your organization. Before congratulating yourself and resting on your laurels, know that now the important work begins, especially if the reporter involved is a new contact. If the reporter…

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