Kinds: Articles

January 17 Deadline for Estate Tax Relief

Executors and beneficiaries of large estates – usually considered over $5 million – of people who died in 2010 will now have until Jan. 17, 2012 to file some required returns and pay estate taxes, according to the IRS. For large estates opting out of the estate tax, the deadline for filing the required carryover…

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How Corporate Integrity Helps Your Bottom Line

High corporate integrity pays off. The shareholders of businesses that encourage their employees to report misconduct receive returns that are 5 percent higher than shareholders of competing companies that do not support this kind of open communication, according to a recent survey by the Corporate Executive Board, a global provider of business research and analysis…

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Nearly Half of Nonprofits Have Giving Increase

Nearly half of nonprofit organizations saw an increase in contributions in the first six months of 2011, while a quarter said giving was the same as in 2010, according The Nonprofit Research Collaborative’s 2011 survey of 813 charitable groups. About 30 percent saw a decline in donations during the first six months of the year….

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Don’t Lose Goodwill During A Company Sale

While retirement has been delayed for many Baby Boomers, the time will be coming soon. For many, that will mean selling the business that has been their family’s bread-and-butter for decades. Much of your business’s value comes from your existing client base. The potential buyer, whoever that person may be, might not want your building,…

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Lost Your Job? How Family Can Help.

It can happen to anyone without warning – you or your spouse suffers a job loss. It will likely take a while to find another one, and the new job may pay less. Your financial situation is suddenly and radically altered. The emotional turmoil and stress on a marriage and family can be overwhelming. However,…

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Is “Profit” A Dirty Word?

Nonprofits are facing unprecedented challenges during the present recession. Demand for services has skyrocketed and, for the most part, donations and grant revenues have plummeted. The normal reaction is to hunker down, trim every cost possible and hope things improve. Instead, regard tough times as an opportunity to strengthen your organization. First, evaluate your overall…

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How A CPA Expert Can Help in Fraud Cases

Retaining an experienced CPA with litigation and forensic experience during the litigation process will increase the chances of success in a fraud or embezzlement case. Fraud cases demand using professionals who have knowledge of the evidentiary requirements and protocol to be followed. Not all CPAs are qualified for this type of assignment. CPA firms that…

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