Kinds: Articles

Link Email to Your Website

Many companies overlook the humble email signature’s ability to drive traffic to their websites. These businesses spend big dollars to advertise their sites and get priority placement on search engines. Meanwhile, everyone from the company president to the mailroom supervisor crank out countless emails that, with one click, could easily link recipients to the company’s…

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Do You Understand Copyright Law?

One of the major challenges facing your business is likely maintaining a website — and at the top of that list is protecting content, along with other published work your company may produced. A Copyright Prevents Others From: Reproducing a work in copies or sound recordings. Creating spin-off or “derivative” material. Distributing copies to the…

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Time Theft: What Does it Cost You?

Whatever happened to the American work ethic? Whatever happened to the belief that when a person puts in eight hours a day, he or she is giving his or her best effort? Why Do American Workers Embrace the Work Ethic, While their Actual Job Performances Often Show the Opposite? America’s Puritan ancestors valued work for the…

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Arbitration Agreements Save Headaches and Dollars

If an employee accuses your company of discrimination and takes you to court, the ensuing battle could take years and cost thousands of dollars. When it’s all over, neither side may have much to show for it. It allows your company to avoid jury trials and makes large damage awards unlikely. Your employees benefit, as well,…

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Due Diligence Is Key in Contractual Disputes

Be timely in making claims. If you have problems getting paid for your contractual work, don’t be lulled into a sense that you can sort it out with your government contacts. The courts have consistently held that contractors must exercise due diligence in making claims. And that means knowing who to make the claim to and…

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The Benefits of Leasing

If your company wants to improve cash flow, you might consider leasing equipment, vehicles and facilities, rather than buying. The primary advantage of leasing used to be the tax advantages. But the fact that leasing allows you to conserve cash makes it a form of financing. It’s not an alternative that works for every company…

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Charitable Donations: The World of Quid Pro Quo

A contribution to a charity isn’t always a tax-deductible contribution for the donor, as in the case of “quid pro quo” donations. This exchange of one thing for another happens when a charity receives a payment that includes a contribution and, in return, provides the donor with goods or services valued for less than the total payment….

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Small Business Tax Strategy: Heavy Vehicle Plus a Home Office

Small business owners are always looking for easy ways to lower their taxes. Here’s a simple, but effective, tax planning technique that’s available under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) for 2018 through 2022. To take advantage, you need to purchase a “heavy” vehicle, work from a qualifying home office and keep detailed business…

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IRA Recharacterizations: What the Current Tax Law Allows

When you convert a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA and then reverse the transaction by switching the account back to its original status, the reversal is called a recharacterization. Similarly, making an annual contribution to one type of IRA and then reversing it to another type is also a recharacterization. But for Roth conversions done in…

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The Half Million Dollar Baby

The true cost of having a kid. What does it actually cost to raise a child? A hospital bill for a childbirth can run quite high. Births can cost as much as $70,908, depending on a wide variety of factors.1 Not to mention the costs associated with prenatal care. Kids have to eat. Food cost…

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