Kinds: Articles

Taxations Issues in the Gig Economy

Do you provide car rides through a mobile app, rent out your spare room using an online platform or repair computers for local businesses on demand? If so, you may be considered part of the “sharing economy” (also known as the Gig or on-demand economy). Participation in this emerging method of distributing services can be…

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Sell the Family Business the Tax-Smart Way

When the owners of a family business are ready to sell, there are numerous considerations. One of the most important is handling the sale in a tax-wise manner. Special Family Business Issues Business valuations encompass tangible assets such as real estate and equipment, as well as intangibles such as employee loyalty, manufacturing processes, your customer…

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Turn Your Website into a Marketing Magnet

Generally your company’s website really has only one purpose — to sell. And that means you need to attract as many potential customers as possible while maintaining your current clientele. In reality, people are always searching for your business — or at least, the types of products and/or services it offers. They type what they…

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Pull the Plug on Employee Theft

Not all crooks roam the streets at night. Some might be roaming your company hallways, stealing cash, forging or altering checks, and pilfering your inventory and property. Even worse, they may be stealing intellectual property such as confidential documents or trade secrets. What can you do to pull the plug on employee theft? Here are…

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Information All Employers Should Know to Protect Their Businesses

Revenge is the most frequent motive for computer sabotage committed by once-trusted company insiders, according to a study issued by the Department of Homeland Security. Startling Examples from the Report A system administrator, angry about his diminished role in a thriving firm centralized the software that supported the company’s manufacturing processes on a single server,…

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Executive Terminations: Sever Ties Carefully

Firing someone in a big corporation is hard enough. In a smaller company, it can be a very personal issue. And if you do a bad job handling the firing of an executive in a close-knit company, the results can be disastrous. It’s difficult to get rid of a longtime — but no longer effective…

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How Industry Fits Into the Valuation Puzzle

IRS Revenue Ruling 59-60 is an essential building block of modern appraisal practice. It identifies “the condition and outlook of the specific industry” as one of the factors to consider when valuing a private business. But how do investors measure industry risk and how does it fit in the valuation paradigm? Value is a function…

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Is an Association Health Plan Right for Your Company?

Association health plans (AHPs) are health benefit policies made available to small employers through a group purchasing arrangement for the benefit of association members and their employees. Under the old rules, AHP availability was limited to tightly linked employers (such as parent-child companies). Under new regulations issued by the Department of Labor on June 19,…

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Effects of the Tax Law Vary Based on Major Life Events

Change is part of life. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) has brought sweeping changes to the federal income tax rules for individuals. But how will you and your family be affected? That depends on your specific circumstances. Major life changes — from marriage and birth to divorce and death — can provide opportunities…

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Disaster Planning: How to Weather the Worst

There are any number of crises that can strike without warning and make doing “business as usual” nearly impossible. These include flu pandemics, hurricanes, snow storms, earthquakes, infrastructure breakdowns and terrorist attacks. Do you have an emergency operations plan in place to keep employees in action? If not, what are you waiting for? Plan for…

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