Kinds: Articles

The Outlook for Internships is Looking Up

In early January, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) published a fact sheet that lays out how the agency is aligning its policy on intern employment status with new rulings by several U.S. appellate courts. Previously, it would’ve been much harder to bring interns on board without having to pay them minimum wage and overtime….

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Estimating, Accounting and Billing Uncompensated Overtime

Do you reflect all the hours your salaried employees worked when you submit U.S. Government contract estimates and billings? Tips Establish a consistent practice for accounting for hours worked by salaried individuals that exceed 40 hours a week. Ensure that estimating and billing practices are consistent with accounting practices. Record and bill all qualifying hours worked…

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Ignoring Small Business Subcontract Limits Could Cost You

Is your operation classified as a small business? Have you received, or are you pursuing U.S. government prime contracts set aside or reserved for small business? If so, the clause in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.219-14 titled “Limitations on Subcontracting” will be included in your contract. This clause specifies the percentage of work that…

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Mandatory E-Verify May Be Coming, Are You Ready?

E-Verify is about to play a critical role under the Trump administration. The electronic service, launched in 1996, is primarily a voluntary web-based system, though it could soon become mandatory. E-Verify enables employers to quickly determine whether information supplied by job applicants on their I-9 forms is consistent with data held by the Social Security…

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Save or Shred? Follow These Recordkeeping Guidelines

Are you a recordkeeping pack rat? Many individuals and businesses hold ontopaper and digital records indefinitely — just in case. But securely storing years of financial records can become burdensome. Here’s some guidance to help minimize recordkeeping overload. Secure Disposal of Sensitive DataThink twice about keeping certain financial records indefinitely. The more records you store,…

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Navigating the Social Media Minefield

Social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and blogs can be powerful business tools. But they also carry risks, including inadvertently disclosing corporate trade secrets or engaging in behavior that can harm your company’s reputation. Careful What You Say When it comes to social networking, unexpected situations may come up for employers. For example:…

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Limit the Impact of E-Mail in Court

You just finished typing a draft of an aggressive e-mail message explaining why you think your company’s strategic plan can — and will — destroy the competition. Later, you think the memo was too bold, particularly the attachment that showed how much market share you could steal from the competitors in your hometown. You decide…

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Build Security Into Telecommuting

Telecommuting has become commonplace in many industries, as increasing numbers of employees find they are more productive if they don’t have to deal with the daily hassles of commuting and the distractions of a busy office. Telecommuting PitfallsDon’t lose a fortune by insisting on outsourcing or insourcing. Some services are cheaper to farm out, while some gear…

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Tax Law Ends Alimony Deductions after 2018

In divorce situations, an ex-spouse may be legally obligated to make payments to the other party. Since payments are often substantial, locking in tax deductions for the payer has often been important and involved a substantial amount of money.Before the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was enacted, payments that met the tax-law definition of…

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How the Tax Law Hits Charitable Giving

For charitable donors, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) giveth and it taketh away. Here’s what charity-minded individuals need to know. Increased Charitable Deduction Limit Under prior law, deductions for cash contributions to public charities and certain private foundations were limited to 50% of your adjusted gross income (AGI). The TCJA increases the deductible…

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