Kinds: Articles

Understanding Cost Basis – A Primer for Investors

If you’re thinking about selling stocks, mutual funds or other investments, you need to first gain an understanding of cost basis rules and their implications for your tax bill. Learning the rules may help you significantly reduce the amount of capital gains that will be subject to taxation as a result of the sale. Why…

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Your 2022 Tax Bill May be Higher

Temporary tax relief measures that were provided during the pandemic have expired, so the changes to the tax rules for 2022 are not as favorable to many individual taxpayers. That means that you may owe more than you have in recent years. Here are some tax breaks subject to significant changes in 2022. Child Tax…

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The ABCs of the Dependent Care Credit

Do you pay someone to watch your young child or another qualifying dependent while you’re at work? If so, you may be entitled to claim the dependent care credit on your 2022 return, but you must file by April 18. Recent enhancements provided under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) expired at the end of…

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How to Claim Casualty Loss Deductions and Avoid Pitfalls

Every year, the United States experiences disasters, ranging from hurricanes and earthquakes to wildfires and electrical grid failure. If you’re unlucky enough to suffer a disaster-related loss, you’ll need to understand the federal income tax rules to determine whether you’re eligible for a casualty loss deduction. Personal Casualty Loss Deduction Basics You can potentially claim…

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501(c)(4) vs. 501(c)(3) – Which Do I Choose?

It is important to understand the differences between nonprofit classifications when deciding between forming a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) organization. The distinction between underlying exempt purpose, restrictions on lobbying and political activities, and anticipated donor composition should be considered, among other non-tax considerations.

5 Major Tax-Favored Retirement Plan Changes for Individuals under New Law

The long-awaited Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement 2.0 Act (SECURE 2.0) has finally passed. Here are five taxpayer friendly changes.

Tax Treatment of Debt Forgiveness: Watch Out for Tax Bills Delivered COD

Debt forgiveness is a relief, however; a debtor may still owe taxes on “cancellation of debt” (COD) income. Read on to learn the tax rules for COD income and how they might affect your tax situation.

Optimizing Business Losses

While no one likes to lose money, the federal tax code helps soften the blow by allowing businesses to apply their losses to offset taxable income in future years, subject to certain limitations. Here’s what you need to know.

Four Tax Breaks for Home Improvements

Are you contemplating some significant improvements to your home? Whether it’s adding a pool to assist with a medical condition, finishing a basement, or installing energy-saving equipment, you may be in line for generous tax breaks under current law. We outline four potential options.

2023 Minimum Wage and Overtime Threshold Increases

In 2023, many states and localities will increase their minimum wage amounts. In some areas, the amounts paid to tipped employees may also increase and overtime salary thresholds may also change. The information below briefly details the changes that will kick in on New Year’s Day or later in 2023. For more information about your…

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