Kinds: Articles

Impress Your ‘Suitors’ With Financial Information

Attracting funding organizations and large individual contributors to donate money to your not-for-profit organization is a little like finding a spouse — you want to create the best impression during the courtship in the hope that the other person will find you to be a “good catch” and make a commitment. The financial information on…

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Tax Law Ends Alimony Deductions after 2018

In divorce situations, an ex-spouse may be legally obligated to make payments to the other party. Since payments are often substantial, locking in tax deductions for the payer has often been important and involved a substantial amount of money. Before the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was enacted, payments that met the tax-law definition…

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Maximize Social Security Benefits When You Retire

Get the most from Social Security. Younger retirees face a harsh penalty for working part-time. For every $2 earned over $17,040 in 2018 (up from $16,920 in 2017), you lose $1 in Social Security benefits. In the year you reach full retirement age, a higher earnings threshold applies. Your benefits will be reduced by $1…

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Spouses Are Guilty Until Proven Innocent

When you got married, you knew it was for “better or worse.” But you might not know about laws that hold you responsible if your spouse cheats on a tax return. “Innocent” versus “Injured” Spouse If your current or former spouse has gotten you into tax trouble, you may be able to get help from…

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3 Affordable Care Act Taxes Postponed by Congress

On January 22, President Trump signed into law a short-term government funding bill. It ended the brief government shutdown by funding the federal government through February 8. It also suspends the following Affordable Care Act (ACA) taxes, which were designed to help fund health care coverage provided under the ACA. Cadillac Tax Under prior law,…

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6 Last-Chance Tax Breaks: Do You Qualify?

The new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) significantly changes some parts of the tax code that relate to personal tax returns. In addition to lowering most of the tax rates and increasing the standard deduction, the TCJA repeals, suspends or modifies some valuable tax deductions. As a result, millions of Americans who have itemized…

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Focus on Your Profit Centers

It can be a hard choice, but successful companies often have to make strategic decisions to “fix it or exit.” In other words, every element of a business must earn its keep, be fixed or let go. Companies must have a growth and profitability mentality that prompts them to maintain their winning profit centers and…

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Mine Data Efficiently

Ever have the feeling that you’re drowning in data and yet you can’t find the exact information needed to make critical business decisions? You’re not alone. Industry observers estimate that information gathering is doubling or tripling every year. This leaves loads of critical information about customers, sales, profit margins and other factors – making decisions…

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Workers’ Compensation Vs. Disability Income Insurance

Sometimes the disability is work-related, but disability can occur as a result of any number of diseases, life events and accidents. And too often workers are woefully unprepared for them. For employees it’s critical to understand the difference between disability insurance and workers’ compensation.

Prevent Fraud by Envisioning How it Could Occur at Your Organization

Every year, millions of dollars are donated to not-for-profit organizations. In these cases, the money that’s supposed to go to an organization’s causes can be diverted to thieves. Not-for-profits aren’t immune to the threat of fraud from their own employees. Preventing internal fraud within a not-for-profit organization requires many of the same approaches that for-profit…

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