Kinds: Articles

Avoid Premature IRA Splits Before a Divorce

If a couple is getting a divorce, transfers of cash and property between them generally have no immediate federal tax consequences. This general rule allows divorcing individuals to divide up cash, CDs, investments held in taxable accounts, real property, personal property, business ownership interests and other assets without owing anything to Uncle Sam. Such tax-free transfers…

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Enhance Customers’ Phone Experience

It’s been a long road from Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone in 1876 to today’s voice recognition phone systems that make statements like: “If you want to discuss your bill, say one.” Some consider the telephone to be man’s greatest communication development. Other’s say it’s the Internet. And now, with voice recognition, there is a hybrid. Although…

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Five Reasons to Move to the Cloud

Cloud computing is popular among businesses with good reason. Putting your business’s IT in the cloud eliminates the costs and complexity of purchasing, configuring, and managing hardware and software. Cloud providers create and use applications that offer safe storage of your company’s critical data in secure data centers maintained by IT professionals. These applications are available…

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Retirement Account Catch-Up Contributions Can Add Up

Are you age 50 or older? If so, you can currently make extra “catch-up” contributions to certain types of tax-favored retirement accounts. Over time, these contributions can make a significant difference in your retirement-age wealth. What about tax reform? After President Trump and other lawmakers stated that they wouldn’t tinker with retirement plan contribution tax breaks,…

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Survivors: Family Businesses That Last

The phrase “family business” makes some people automatically think of mom-and-pop stores in small towns. But as you probably know, family-operated companies include everything from husband-and-wife sole proprietorships to companies like Mars Inc., the candy bar and food product company that employs about 70,000 people. For a perspective of just where family business fits into the…

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401k Administration: Hardship Distributions and Terminating a Plan

Question: Our company terminated its calendar-year 401(k) plan effective December 31, 2016, but will not make final plan distributions until the IRS issues a favorable determination on the plan’s termination. Should we file a final Form 5500 for the plan year in which the termination was effective (2016), or the plan year in which the final…

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Handling Interest Expense on Loans to Inject Capital

There are instances when you can write off interest on personal loans used for business purposes, such as injecting capital into an S corporation, multi-member LLC, partnership or C corporation. But keep in mind that interest expenses must be classified into one of four categories (see box at the bottom of this article for details). Different…

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Defaulting on Retirement Plan Loans Causes Taxable Distributions

Want to borrow money from your retirement plan? Not so fast. Retirement plan loans can be a viable way to get money in a crunch, but you need to follow the rules about repaying them. If you don’t, it could lead to unfavorable tax consequences, as two taxpayers recently learned the hard way in U.S. Tax…

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Design Health Care FSAs to Be Cost-Effective

While health care flexible spending accounts (FSAs) offer tax-saving benefits to employees, they also can provide tremendous advantages to the employers sponsoring them. Salary-reduction contributions which employees make to an FSA are not subject to Social Security and Medicare (FICA) taxes. Thus, employers save the 7.65% FICA contribution on the dollars an employee contributes to an…

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Creating an Effective Mission Statement

Many organizations spend a lot of time and money creating mission statements, to highlight their work and align employees around a common vision. But the fact is that many mission statements fail, becoming nothing more than a wall ornament or a bunch of words tucked into a seldom-read company handbook. For the most part, the reasons…

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