Kinds: Articles

Fight Back Against Internal Fraud

Internal fraud drains approximately $4 trillion annually from global businesses, according to recent estimates, and not-for-profit organizations are not exempt. The median loss suffered by a not-for-profit group victimized by fraud was $90,000, according to the 2018 Report to the Nations by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). Although organizations can experience pilferage from…

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Defaulting on Retirement Plan Loans Causes Taxable Distributions

Want to borrow money from your retirement plan? Not so fast. Retirement plan loans can be a viable way to get money in a crunch, but you need to follow the rules about repaying them. If you don’t, it could lead to unfavorable tax consequences, as two taxpayers recently learned the hard way in U.S. Tax…

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Forward Pricing Cost Proposals

Layers Of Checklists: U.S. government officials are adamant that cost proposals be prepared following federal solicitation requirements and they may reject bids they find inadequate. Tips Use the U.S. Government forward pricing checklist to prepare your own, tailored to specific jobs. Expand your checklist to incorporate unique aspects, nuances and internal standards and approaches. Identify the individuals…

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Bid-Rigging Schemes Can Be Difficult to Detect

A competitive bidding process is meant to ensure that contracts are awarded to the most qualified vendor at a fair price. A well-designed and suitably controlled process can level the “playing field” with all bids being judged solely on their merits. False Bids Made One Company Appear the Best Choice Two men entered guilty pleas in…

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How College Financial Aid Benefits Are Taxed

here’s no doubt about it … college is expensive. At top-rated private universities, the annual cost can be $55,000 and up. Some public schools charge out-of-state students $40,000 and up. With any luck, however, your child or grandchild will qualify for financial aid. These days, a surprisingly high percentage of students do. If your student does score some…

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Do You Need Long-Term Care Insurance?

Some people are worried that they will wind up in a nursing home with their life savings wiped out. But that doesn’t have to be the case. You can buy some peace of mind with long-term care insurance. What’s Covered? Life expectancies have increased significantly and are expected to continue to increase in the future. As…

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Dividing Assets, and Tax Bills, in Divorce

When a divorce happens, there are often major financial consequences and some important tax issues too. Here are the tax rules that generally apply when a couple’s assets are split up in a divorce property settlement. State Law Is Important How assets are split up in a divorce depends largely on where the divorcing couple lives….

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Give Back and Save Taxes with Charitable Contributions

As year end approaches, you may be thinking about making some charitable donations. Here’s a rundown of the potential tax breaks for your generosity. Donating Clothing and Household Items When it comes to your old clothes, furniture, linens, electronics, appliances, and the like, the general rule is that you can claim deductions only for items in…

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Five Tips for Dynamic Strategic Planning

Is your not-for-profit the same organization it was three years ago? Are your stakeholders the same now as then? Is your community and its support of your not-for-profit the same? It’s been said that the only thing certain in life is change, so you likely answered “no” to each of these questions. Change is a key…

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Planned Gifts Hold Tremendous Promise

Is your organization pursuing planned gifts? It should be. Research suggests that the average planned gift in the United States falls between $35,000 and $70,000 — and the amount may increase with more Baby Boomers moving into retirement. Yet many not-for-profits, especially small and medium-sized organizations, lack formal planned giving programs. Benefits of Planned Giving…

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