Kinds: Articles

Minimizing Your Risk of Cyber Breach

Concerns about cyber threats disrupting core operations are now a top operational risk. The Securities and Exchange Commission has called threats to cybersecurity “the biggest systematic risk we have facing us.” Given the impact that breaches can have and the level of sophistication shown by hackers in recent breaches, it’s not a matter of if…

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Electronic Spreadsheets Can Conceal Numerous Errors

Electronic spreadsheets are versatile and vital for all types of organizations. However, the flexibility that makes spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel so popular is also the primary reason that they can end up concealing countless critical errors. Spreadsheet “Horror Stories” An organization called European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group keeps a list of “horror stories” caused by…

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The Engine Behind e-Commerce

Nearly everyone who has any experience with the Web knows programmers use HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) to create the pages we read on the Internet. Benefits of XML Here are some of the ways XML can bolster your business: Boosts efficiency by standardizing information transfers. Lowers repetitive modifications and duplications in transforming data to various types…

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Recent Incidents Fuel Concerns over Breach Response

Could your data be hacked? Unfortunately, every organization — including for-profit businesses, not-for-profits and government agencies — is vulnerable to cyberattacks today. Breach Response Legislation in the Works Following the SEC and Equifax incidents, the Personal Data Notification and Protection Act was reintroduced in the House. This bill aims to expedite data breach response time. Representative…

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Business Interruption Claims Require Professional Help

Smart company owners and executives obtain business interruption insurance — and possibly contingent business income coverage if the operation relies heavily on outsourcing or a particular supplier. The idea is that the policy will compensate the company for lost earnings if a devastating event forces it to temporarily close down operations. But the calculations and coverage…

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Notify the IRS if You Change Your Address

It’s important to notify the IRS if you move and change your address. Under tax law regulations, a taxpayer’s last known address is the one that appears on the tax return you filed most recently — unless the IRS is otherwise notified. In one court case, it was made clear that the burden of informing the…

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Europe: In-House Legal Professional Privilege

If your company conducts business in the European Union (E.U.), it’s important to keep this in mind: In-house attorney-client privilege does not automatically apply to international communications when the issue at hand is governed by E.U. law. The Heart of the Matter The opinion in the Akzo case handed down by the E.U.’s Court of Justice…

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How to Save Tax with an Installment Sale

Are you planning to sell real estate before the end of the year? Naturally, you hope to entice a qualified buyer who has plenty of cash on hand. But being open to the idea of an installment sale may help you seal the deal. Fortunately, installment sales also offer tax savings for sellers. Here’s how these…

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Old Habits May Be Costing You Dearly

There’s an old story of a soldier who got up every morning, walked over to an unused iron stove in the middle of the barracks and gave it a swift kick. Then he’d hop around in pain and yell at the stove. When a fellow soldier asked him why he did such a thing, he said…

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Business Borrowers: Here’s What to Include in Your Loan Application

Whether in expansion mode or facing a short-term cash crunch, small businesses often find themselves in need of capital. But applying for a loan is a time-consuming process that can easily become overwhelming. And there’s always the nagging doubt that — despite your best efforts — the bank will decline your application.Yet with careful planning…

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