Kinds: Articles

Using Dual Monitors Saves Paper and Time

If you and your employees spend hours a day working at computers, here is an easy way to save time and resources, as well as increase productivity. It may sound excessive, but most people who have tried it, can’t imagine working any other way. It involves using dual monitors. By adding a second monitor to…

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Control Staff Use of the Internet and Protect Your Business

The Internet has become an essential tool for most businesses. But used improperly, it can significantly cut employee productivity as well as present security and legal risks. Installing technology to block some applications and filter material that is allowed into the system can help, but your company should also have a written policy outlining unacceptable…

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Craft an Acceptable Internet Use Policy

Your employees need guidance when it comes to acceptable uses of the Internet in the workplace. This can help avoid misuse and exposing your business to security risks and legal liability. The guidance should come from a written policy that clearly defines what is — and is not — acceptable. Each employee should read, agree…

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The Ins and Outs of Deducting Legal Expenses

Legal expenses incurred by individuals are typically not currently deductible under the federal income tax rules. Instead, they’re most often treated as either personal outlays (which are nondeductible) or as part of the cost of acquiring an asset, such as real estate. In the latter situation, legal costs usually aren’t deductible right away; instead, they…

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Coping with the In-Law Challenge

You may have started your family business as a small venture and didn’t give much thought to nepotism. Then, you brought the kids on board and your brothers and sisters signed on. Perhaps the business continued to flourish with little conflict. But sooner or later, some of those children and relatives are going to get…

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Insuring Employees Who Drive their Own Cars

In many companies, employees drive during the course of their jobs — to make deliveries, call on customers or pick up supplies. In some cases, they use their personal cars rather than company cars. This can have several advantages for the employer: The company does not have to maintain a fleet. It does not have…

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Executive Physical Exams and Health Savings Account Issues

Physicals for Top Executives Question: Our company would like to offer free comprehensive physical examinations as a fringe benefit for several top executives. Do any health care reform requirements limit our design options? Answer: Yes, health care reform may affect executive physical programs. Such programs typically provide for a comprehensive annual exam that includes more…

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Workers’ Compensation Vs. Disability Income Insurance

One in four of today’s 20-year-olds will become disabled before they retire, according to the Council of Disability Awareness. Sometimes the disability is work-related, but disability can occur as a result of any number of diseases, life events and accidents. And too often workers are woefully unprepared for them. For employees it’s critical to understand…

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Plan Ahead to Make Company-Paid Disability Benefits Tax-Free

If you’re employed by your business, you may receive company-paid long-term disability insurance coverage as a tax-free fringe benefit. Sounds good but here’s the problem: Most long-term disability policies limit benefit payments to only 60 or 70% of your normal salary before taxes. That’s generally enough coverage — as long as you don’t owe income…

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Minimize FMLA Abuse

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) protects jobs when employees need extended time off because of their own or a family member’s health problems. The law allows employees as many as 12 weeks of unpaid medical leave in any 12-month period to take care of qualifying medical conditions. While in most instances these leaves…

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