August 20, 2015
Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman improved its rank in INSIDE Public Accounting’s annual list of top 200 accounting firms this year. The firm ranked #147 in 2015 (up from #150 last year). The firms are ranked by revenue with $15 million being the minimum eligibility requirement this year. Rankings are compiled by analyzing more than 500 responses to IPA’s Survey and Analysis of Firm.
INSIDE Public Accounting additionally explains that the “Survey and Analysis of Firms and the resulting national benchmarking report on the nation’s largest accounting firms has served as a barometer of the overall health, challenges, and opportunities of the profession. The IPA survey and benchmarking report is the gold standard within the profession.”
Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman has served clients in the Washington, DC metropolitan region, nationally and internationally with financial, tax and consulting services for more than 30 years. In addition to its listing in IPA, Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman is recognized in publications such as Accounting Today and the Washington Business Journal.