August 24, 2011
Gelman Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs is proud to announce that it has been named to INSIDE Public Accounting’s Best of the Best Honorable Mention Firms list for 2011.
INSIDE Public Accounting’s annual Best of the Best recognition honors 50 firms for their stellar management and overall operational performance on more than 50 criteria. More than 400 firms participated in this year’s 21st annual IPA Annual Survey and Analysis of Firms, one of the longest-running CPA firm benchmarking surveys in the nation.
In business, results matter. For 18 years, IPA has named the Best of the Best and Best of the Best Honorable Mention firms – those firms, such as Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman who have turned in exceptional performance, regardless of outside factors. In any economy – up or down – clues for what to do, where to focus and how to practice can be found in the IPA Best of the Best.
The 2011 IPA Best of the Best Honorable Mentions stand out as well-managed and well-executed examples of how to succeed regardless of the economy. Size wasn’t a factor – the largest firm to make the cut is $390.7 million and the smallest is $2.5 million. The Best of the Best Honorable Mentions represent a wide variety of firms – two are over $200 million and six are under $10 million. The firms identified as Best of the Best may change from year to year, but they share the same building blocks that lead to success.
“Best of the Best firms represent the top accounting firms in the nation. Each firm demonstrates the right combination of vision, planning, and execution to deliver superior performance,” says Michael Platt, principal of the Platt Group and publisher of IPA. “Firms that earn this designation represent the best of what the accounting profession has to offer,” Platt says.
“The success of these firms is a tribute to their leadership. Their performance defies economic trends by recognizing the long-term goals that are needed in order to sustain growth through both prosperous times and down times,” says Kelly Platt, managing editor, and publisher of IPA. “We salute all of these firms and recognize their overall management strategies as models that the profession can be quite proud of,” Platt concludes.