April 2, 2020

Partner Elinor Litwack offered advice on limiting distractions while working from home during the COVID-19 crisis in the Accounting Today article, Generational Viewpoints: Top tips for working from home.

“Don’t sweat the background noise — we are all humans. If you are in a meeting and the phone rings, dog barks, or toddler yelps out, it does not reflect poorly on you as a professional. If you are worried about an interruption, you can give the disclaimer at the beginning of the meeting to put you at ease if it happens later (i.e. ‘Before we start, you should know that my three-year-old wakes up from his nap during our meeting time, so just a warning that you may hear a little voice in the background’).”

Elinor Litwack, partner, GRF CPAs & Advisors

The full article is available at https://www.accountingtoday.com/list/generational-viewpoints-top-tips-for-working-from-home.