Home / Leadership Team / Andreas A. Alexandrou, CPA
Andreas A. Alexandrou has been working with nonprofit organizations since 1996. His expertise includes audits and risk advisory engagements for nonprofit organizations including international organizations, associations, private foundations and other charitable institutions. He also has extensive experience auditing organizations subject to the requirements included in Title 2 U.S. Code of Regulations (CFR) Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).
As a partner, Mr. Alexandrou is responsible for all aspects of client service and engagement administration, and interacts with clients (and their boards) to plan engagements, resolve problems, and suggest procedures to improve the accounting process and internal controls.
Mr. Alexandrou travels abroad to oversee the completion of annual audit engagements for his international nongovernmental organization (INGO) clients. He also provides consulting services to his non-audit international clients abroad, including the review of field office internal controls, field office accounting and reporting, operational best practices and compliance with donor requirements. On occasion he visits remote regions where his international INGO clients maintain programmatic activities to review and advise on achieving organizational success. Over the years, Mr. Alexandrou has traveled to 50 countries to perform audit and advisory work on behalf of his clients. Mr. Alexandrou has led presentations on appropriate financial stewardship of funds, including sub-recipient monitoring, indirect cost structuring, field office financial reporting and other best practices for his INGO clients.
Mr. Alexandrou serves as treasurer of Freedom in Creation, an international humanitarian organization providing educational activities for children in Gulu, northern Uganda. He is also a member of GRF’s Executive Committee.
This seminar is designed to help companies understand timelines for the audit process, how the auditors think and some tips…
Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs for an overview of allocating direct and indirect expenses and implementation of appropriate indirect…
To accommodate interested attendees who cannot attend the firm’s October 4 webinar on the topic, Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman Audit…
What Risks Should Nonprofits be focused on for 2021? Join GRF’s and AHT Risk & Advisory experts for an interactive discussion…
When is the last time your organization thoroughly evaluated its internal controls? If you are part of the management team…
With organizations now required to present a statement of functional expenses under ASU 2016-14 and their financial information becoming more…
This seminar is designed to help companies understand timelines for the audit process, how the auditors think and some tips…
Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs for an overview of allocating direct and indirect expenses and implementation of appropriate indirect…
To accommodate interested attendees who cannot attend the firm’s October 4 webinar on the topic, Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman Audit…
What Risks Should Nonprofits be focused on for 2021? Join GRF’s and AHT Risk & Advisory experts for an interactive discussion…
When is the last time your organization thoroughly evaluated its internal controls? If you are part of the management team…
With organizations now required to present a statement of functional expenses under ASU 2016-14 and their financial information becoming more…
This seminar is designed to help companies understand timelines for the audit process, how the auditors think and some tips…
Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs for an overview of allocating direct and indirect expenses and implementation of appropriate indirect…
To accommodate interested attendees who cannot attend the firm’s October 4 webinar on the topic, Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman Audit…
GRF is proud to sponsor and exhibit again at the Humentum Annual Conference – OpEx DC 2019 at the Walter…
Join GRF for an overview of allocating direct and indirect expenses and implementation of appropriate indirect rates. Our nonprofit professionals…
GRF is proud to sponsor the 50th Anniversary Community Change Champions Awards at the United States Institute of Peace on…
For the second year in a row, we’re bringing our popular nonprofit industry update to downtown NYC! GRF is once…
Fraud Watch DC is a workshop designed to equip professionals with the latest insights and strategies for fraud prevention, whistleblower protection,…
GRF CPAs & Advisors and the NC State Poole College of Management Enterprise Risk Management Initiative host this annual online…
Join GRF and the Education and Research Foundation of the Better Business Bureau® of Metropolitan New York for an in-person…
This half-day virtual summit is designed to offer valuable advice on right-sizing ESG initiatives for your organization; developing effective measurement,…
Join us on May 9 at the historic Fraunces Tavern for engaging discussions around the topics that matter most to…
Join us on May 9 at the historic Fraunces Tavern for engaging discussions around the topics that matter most to…
Join IIA DC for a cutting-edge Continuing Professional Education (CPE) event tailor-made for auditors, fraud examiners, risk practitioners and business…
GRF CPAs & Advisors and the NC State Poole College of Management Enterprise Risk Management Initiative host this annual online…
Don’t miss the opportunity to take home advice from some of the most influential leaders in the risk community! Join…
There are a variety of funders that exclusively aim to fund the development community with crypto. Organizations have taken a…
Host Governments are becoming increasingly hostile to International Development Organizations and a pose unique risk to success of programs.
The global pandemic disrupted the important work of many international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) while also introducing new organizational risks and…
Another recession may or may not arrive in the near future. However, sound risk management practices can help your organization…
GRF’s Risk & Advisory Services professionals will guide participants through the risk identification process, help them determine which risks should…
Join GRF for an overview of internal audit and learn the benefits of “a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and…
GRF is proud to sponsor and exhibit again at the Humentum Annual Conference – OpEx DC 2019 at the Walter…
Join GRF for an overview of allocating direct and indirect expenses and implementation of appropriate indirect rates. Our nonprofit professionals…
GRF is proud to sponsor the 50th Anniversary Community Change Champions Awards at the United States Institute of Peace on…
For the second year in a row, we’re bringing our popular nonprofit industry update to downtown NYC! GRF is once…
Fraud Watch DC is a workshop designed to equip professionals with the latest insights and strategies for fraud prevention, whistleblower protection,…
GRF CPAs & Advisors and the NC State Poole College of Management Enterprise Risk Management Initiative host this annual online…
Join GRF and the Education and Research Foundation of the Better Business Bureau® of Metropolitan New York for an in-person…
This half-day virtual summit is designed to offer valuable advice on right-sizing ESG initiatives for your organization; developing effective measurement,…
Join us on May 9 at the historic Fraunces Tavern for engaging discussions around the topics that matter most to…
Join us on May 9 at the historic Fraunces Tavern for engaging discussions around the topics that matter most to…
Join IIA DC for a cutting-edge Continuing Professional Education (CPE) event tailor-made for auditors, fraud examiners, risk practitioners and business…
GRF CPAs & Advisors and the NC State Poole College of Management Enterprise Risk Management Initiative host this annual online…
Don’t miss the opportunity to take home advice from some of the most influential leaders in the risk community! Join…
There are a variety of funders that exclusively aim to fund the development community with crypto. Organizations have taken a…
Host Governments are becoming increasingly hostile to International Development Organizations and a pose unique risk to success of programs.
The global pandemic disrupted the important work of many international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) while also introducing new organizational risks and…
Another recession may or may not arrive in the near future. However, sound risk management practices can help your organization…
GRF’s Risk & Advisory Services professionals will guide participants through the risk identification process, help them determine which risks should…
Join GRF for an overview of internal audit and learn the benefits of “a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and…
GRF is proud to sponsor and exhibit again at the Humentum Annual Conference – OpEx DC 2019 at the Walter…
Join GRF for an overview of allocating direct and indirect expenses and implementation of appropriate indirect rates. Our nonprofit professionals…
GRF is proud to sponsor the 50th Anniversary Community Change Champions Awards at the United States Institute of Peace on…