Home / Leadership Team / Ricardo Trujillo, CPA, CITP, CISA
Mr. Trujillo has worked in auditing and accounting since 2000. He has proven expertise in assurance and advisory services, and his nonprofit and for-profit experience spans across a variety of organizations including foundations, trade and membership associations, charitable institutions, US-based non-governmental organizations, real estate entities and professional service corporations. In addition to his technical and industry experience, Mr. Trujillo is 100% fluent in Spanish.
As part of the firm’s information technology initiative, Mr. Trujillo helps for-profit and nonprofit organizations bridge the gap between business and technology by carefully analyzing IT infrastructures. He regularly presents to the nonprofit community on cybersecurity, privacy and enterprise risk management topics.
As partner, Mr. Trujillo oversees all aspects of client service and engagement administration in addition to working closely with the firm’s Risk & Advisory Services practice. His responsibilities include interactions with client management and to plan engagements, resolve problems and suggesting procedures to improve the accounting process and internal controls, including compliance with Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).
The policies and procedures template discussed in the webinar is available for download here.
This webinar provides an overview of the key IT controls you should have in place before your next financial statement…
Senior Manager and Certified Information Technology Professional Ricardo Trujillo presented best practice tips for how to strengthen cybersecurity and minimize…
Virtual Cyber Symposium for Nonprofits & Associations: Tax exempt organizations are not exempt from the growing threats of cyberattacks. Nonprofit…
Join us as we delve into the cutting-edge realm of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape,…
Cybersecurity is a part of every organization’s daily life. Want to learn how to protect your organization but become overwhelmed…
Individuals, small businesses and nonprofits are all feeling the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. With news and information coming from…
Digital technology is changing the way organizations operate. In 2020, digital disruption offers a number of benefits, but the risk…
Slide Deck Digital technology is changing the way associations operate. As we look toward 2020, digital disruption offers a number…
It’s time to talk to your board about addressing risk to your organization’s strategy. Effective risk mitigation measures are no…
Effective cybersecurity measures and actively futureproofing your technology are no longer luxuries or only feasible for large enterprises. Tackling these…
Managing risk is becoming an increasingly important business concern because data security is not an issue that can be permanently…
The policies and procedures template discussed in the webinar is available for download here.
This webinar provides an overview of the key IT controls you should have in place before your next financial statement…
Senior Manager and Certified Information Technology Professional Ricardo Trujillo presented best practice tips for how to strengthen cybersecurity and minimize…
Virtual Cyber Symposium for Nonprofits & Associations: Tax exempt organizations are not exempt from the growing threats of cyberattacks. Nonprofit…
Join us as we delve into the cutting-edge realm of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape,…
Cybersecurity is a part of every organization’s daily life. Want to learn how to protect your organization but become overwhelmed…
Individuals, small businesses and nonprofits are all feeling the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. With news and information coming from…
Digital technology is changing the way organizations operate. In 2020, digital disruption offers a number of benefits, but the risk…
Slide Deck Digital technology is changing the way associations operate. As we look toward 2020, digital disruption offers a number…
It’s time to talk to your board about addressing risk to your organization’s strategy. Effective risk mitigation measures are no…
Effective cybersecurity measures and actively futureproofing your technology are no longer luxuries or only feasible for large enterprises. Tackling these…
Managing risk is becoming an increasingly important business concern because data security is not an issue that can be permanently…
The policies and procedures template discussed in the webinar is available for download here.
This webinar provides an overview of the key IT controls you should have in place before your next financial statement…
Senior Manager and Certified Information Technology Professional Ricardo Trujillo presented best practice tips for how to strengthen cybersecurity and minimize…
Ricardo Trujillo, a senior audit manager and certified information technology professional, will deliver a presentation called Top 10 IT Risks Facing…
Ricardo Trujillo, a senior audit manager and certified information technology professional at Geman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs, will deliver an…
Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs is pleased to welcome four new staff members to our team: Ricardo Trujillo, CPA, CITP,…
GRF CPAs & Advisors and the NC State Poole College of Management Enterprise Risk Management Initiative host this annual online…
GRF’s second annual Virtual Cyber Symposium is designed to provide a 360-degree overview of the latest strategies for improving cybersecurity…
Virtual Cyber Symposium for Nonprofits & Associations: Tax exempt organizations are not exempt from the growing threats of cyberattacks. Nonprofit…
In this engaging session, we’ll guide you through an immersive journey where technology meets security, and human expertise joins forces…
GRF CPAs & Advisors and the NC State Poole College of Management Enterprise Risk Management Initiative host this annual online…
Join us for a big-picture view of all things not-for-profit accounting at the AICPA & CIMA Not-for-Profit Industry Conference this…
This session is being presented in collaboration with CPAmerica and Makosi.
Cybersecurity is a part of every organization’s daily life. Want to learn how to protect your organization but become overwhelmed…
Don’t miss the opportunity to take home advice from some of the most influential leaders in the risk community! Join…
By Omid Mohebbi, CPA, Audit Manager, GRF CPAs & Advisors (GRF) Over the past year, there has been exponential growth…
Learn the best practices for monitoring and protecting your organization’s most valuable asset: your reputation. Understanding your reputation risk goes…
MACPA’s Government & Not For Profit Conference addresses the unique technical and professional challenges of the CPAs working in these…
Are the appropriate discussions around IT being held at the board and/or audit committee level? With stakeholders expecting strong risk…
Join us for a big-picture view of all things not-for-profit accounting at the AICPA & CIMA Not-for-Profit Industry Conference this…
The increased use of cryptocurrency means that nonprofits must become knowledgeable about the accounting and auditing implications. Join GRF nonprofit…
GRF CPAs & Advisors (GRF) Partner, Ricardo Trujillo, CPA, CITP, CISA and Senior Manager, Tricia Katebini, CPA, MBA discussed the…
Join Humentum and GRF’s risk experts for a webinar on the changing landscape of cyber attacks and strategies to mitigate…
In September 2020, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued an Accounting Standards Update (ASU) to increase the transparency of…
What are the keys to supporting your board of directors in their role of risk oversight? Join GRF and the…
The widespread introduction of work-from-home policies has provided more opportunities for fraudsters to implement ransomware attacks. Last year alone, cybercrime…
The annual Digital CPA conference is for practitioners curious about technology and its impact on the accounting landscape. Together we’re…
The widespread introduction of work-from-home policies has provided more opportunities for fraudsters to implement ransomware attacks. Last year alone, cybercrime…
The Government & Not For Profit Conference addresses the unique technical and professional challenges of the CPAs working in these…
Underscoring the firm’s support for minority-owned businesses in the region, GRF CPAs & Advisors (GRF) has joined the Greater Washington…
GRF Risk & Advisory Services experts Ricardo Trujillo and Mac Lillard will be featured speakers during the Digital CPA Conference…
GRF featured speakers will examine how association leaders can enhance project management through best practices and lessons learned during the…
WRAG and the Center for Nonprofit Advancement invite their members to a special learning session with GRF CPAs & Advisors…
GRF featured speakers will examine how association leaders can enhance project management through best practices and lessons learned during the…
GRF Risk & Advisory Services experts Melissa Musser, Andreas A. Alexandrou and Mark Tessar will be presenting on Enterprise Risk…
Join GRF’s risk advisory experts and AHT Insurance for a can’t-miss roundtable discussion on organizational risk and strategy. Roundtable attendees…
GRF Partner Ricardo Trujillo, CPA, CITP, CISA and Principal Melissa Musser, CPA, CITP, CISA will serve as guest speakers at The…
By Darren Hulem | Network Administrator Auditor In the movies, hackers sit in front of a computer typing a few…
Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman (GRF) and featured guest speakers for a one-day boot camp exploring many of the areas…
Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs (GRF) announced that it has joined the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) as a…
Join Lewis Baach Kaufmann Middlemiss and Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs for an overview of ERM and the emerging risks…
GRF Partner Ricardo Trujillo and Principal Melissa Musser will present Privacy Please! C-Suites Guide to Privacy Risks at the New York…
Join Tabush Group and Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs for an overview of the IT challenges and opportunities small and…
Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman (GRF) for a one-day boot camp exploring many of the areas nonprofit executives perceive as…
Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman’s IT experts for an overview of the current data security threats and concerns, and learn…
Join us for an interactive discussion led by recognized IT experts to learn what savvy organizations are doing to ensure…
Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs (GRF) announced today that Ricardo Trujillo, CPA, CITP, CISA was promoted to partner on January…
Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman for an overview of the top 10 IT risks plaguing nonprofit organizations in 2018 and…
GRF is pleased to announce that Senior Manager Ricardo Trujillo’s session, “Top 10 IT Risks Facing Not‐for‐Profit Leaders”, from the…
For smaller or start-up nonprofits, infrastructure elements like information technology (IT) are often small and uncomplicated allowing the greatest flexibility…
Nonprofit Audit Senior Manager Ricardo Trujillo, CPA, CITP, CISA earned his Certified Information Systems Auditor certificate. Congratulations, Ricardo!
“Cybercrime keeps climbing” was the key finding of the 2016 Global Economic Crime Survey recently completed by PwC. In fact,…
Ricardo Trujillo, a senior audit manager and certified information technology professional, will deliver a presentation called Top 10 IT Risks Facing…
Ricardo Trujillo, a senior audit manager and certified information technology professional at Geman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs, will deliver an…
Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs is pleased to welcome four new staff members to our team: Ricardo Trujillo, CPA, CITP,…
GRF CPAs & Advisors and the NC State Poole College of Management Enterprise Risk Management Initiative host this annual online…
GRF’s second annual Virtual Cyber Symposium is designed to provide a 360-degree overview of the latest strategies for improving cybersecurity…
Virtual Cyber Symposium for Nonprofits & Associations: Tax exempt organizations are not exempt from the growing threats of cyberattacks. Nonprofit…
In this engaging session, we’ll guide you through an immersive journey where technology meets security, and human expertise joins forces…
GRF CPAs & Advisors and the NC State Poole College of Management Enterprise Risk Management Initiative host this annual online…
Join us for a big-picture view of all things not-for-profit accounting at the AICPA & CIMA Not-for-Profit Industry Conference this…
This session is being presented in collaboration with CPAmerica and Makosi.
Cybersecurity is a part of every organization’s daily life. Want to learn how to protect your organization but become overwhelmed…
Don’t miss the opportunity to take home advice from some of the most influential leaders in the risk community! Join…
By Omid Mohebbi, CPA, Audit Manager, GRF CPAs & Advisors (GRF) Over the past year, there has been exponential growth…
Learn the best practices for monitoring and protecting your organization’s most valuable asset: your reputation. Understanding your reputation risk goes…
MACPA’s Government & Not For Profit Conference addresses the unique technical and professional challenges of the CPAs working in these…
Are the appropriate discussions around IT being held at the board and/or audit committee level? With stakeholders expecting strong risk…
Join us for a big-picture view of all things not-for-profit accounting at the AICPA & CIMA Not-for-Profit Industry Conference this…
The increased use of cryptocurrency means that nonprofits must become knowledgeable about the accounting and auditing implications. Join GRF nonprofit…
GRF CPAs & Advisors (GRF) Partner, Ricardo Trujillo, CPA, CITP, CISA and Senior Manager, Tricia Katebini, CPA, MBA discussed the…
Join Humentum and GRF’s risk experts for a webinar on the changing landscape of cyber attacks and strategies to mitigate…
In September 2020, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued an Accounting Standards Update (ASU) to increase the transparency of…
What are the keys to supporting your board of directors in their role of risk oversight? Join GRF and the…
The widespread introduction of work-from-home policies has provided more opportunities for fraudsters to implement ransomware attacks. Last year alone, cybercrime…
The annual Digital CPA conference is for practitioners curious about technology and its impact on the accounting landscape. Together we’re…
The widespread introduction of work-from-home policies has provided more opportunities for fraudsters to implement ransomware attacks. Last year alone, cybercrime…
The Government & Not For Profit Conference addresses the unique technical and professional challenges of the CPAs working in these…
Underscoring the firm’s support for minority-owned businesses in the region, GRF CPAs & Advisors (GRF) has joined the Greater Washington…
GRF Risk & Advisory Services experts Ricardo Trujillo and Mac Lillard will be featured speakers during the Digital CPA Conference…
GRF featured speakers will examine how association leaders can enhance project management through best practices and lessons learned during the…
WRAG and the Center for Nonprofit Advancement invite their members to a special learning session with GRF CPAs & Advisors…
GRF featured speakers will examine how association leaders can enhance project management through best practices and lessons learned during the…
GRF Risk & Advisory Services experts Melissa Musser, Andreas A. Alexandrou and Mark Tessar will be presenting on Enterprise Risk…
Join GRF’s risk advisory experts and AHT Insurance for a can’t-miss roundtable discussion on organizational risk and strategy. Roundtable attendees…
GRF Partner Ricardo Trujillo, CPA, CITP, CISA and Principal Melissa Musser, CPA, CITP, CISA will serve as guest speakers at The…
By Darren Hulem | Network Administrator Auditor In the movies, hackers sit in front of a computer typing a few…
Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman (GRF) and featured guest speakers for a one-day boot camp exploring many of the areas…
Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs (GRF) announced that it has joined the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) as a…
Join Lewis Baach Kaufmann Middlemiss and Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs for an overview of ERM and the emerging risks…
GRF Partner Ricardo Trujillo and Principal Melissa Musser will present Privacy Please! C-Suites Guide to Privacy Risks at the New York…
Join Tabush Group and Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs for an overview of the IT challenges and opportunities small and…
Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman (GRF) for a one-day boot camp exploring many of the areas nonprofit executives perceive as…
Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman’s IT experts for an overview of the current data security threats and concerns, and learn…
Join us for an interactive discussion led by recognized IT experts to learn what savvy organizations are doing to ensure…
Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs (GRF) announced today that Ricardo Trujillo, CPA, CITP, CISA was promoted to partner on January…
Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman for an overview of the top 10 IT risks plaguing nonprofit organizations in 2018 and…
GRF is pleased to announce that Senior Manager Ricardo Trujillo’s session, “Top 10 IT Risks Facing Not‐for‐Profit Leaders”, from the…
For smaller or start-up nonprofits, infrastructure elements like information technology (IT) are often small and uncomplicated allowing the greatest flexibility…
Nonprofit Audit Senior Manager Ricardo Trujillo, CPA, CITP, CISA earned his Certified Information Systems Auditor certificate. Congratulations, Ricardo!
“Cybercrime keeps climbing” was the key finding of the 2016 Global Economic Crime Survey recently completed by PwC. In fact,…
Ricardo Trujillo, a senior audit manager and certified information technology professional, will deliver a presentation called Top 10 IT Risks Facing…
Ricardo Trujillo, a senior audit manager and certified information technology professional at Geman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs, will deliver an…
Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs is pleased to welcome four new staff members to our team: Ricardo Trujillo, CPA, CITP,…