Services: Compliance

Form 990: Top 10 Compliance Pitfalls

Our nonprofit tax experts addressed questions that arise frequently during Form 990 preparation and provide guidance for avoiding common pitfalls. Check out this webinar to get ahead of your next Form 990 submission and receive an update on any changes in the 2016 instructions. Click here to view the slides.

Understanding of the New FASB Accounting Standard for Nonprofit Entities: Presentation of Financial Statements (Second Webinar)

To accommodate interested attendees who cannot attend the firm’s October 4 webinar on the topic, Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman Audit Partners Andreas Alexandrou and Walter Derengowski held a webinar on Thursday, November 10 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. to provide an overview of the FASB Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-14, Not-For-Profit Entities (Topic 958): Presentation…

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Understanding of the New FASB Accounting Standard for Nonprofit Entities: Presentation of Financial Statements

Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman Audit Partners Terri McKnight and Amy Boland led a webinar that provided an overview of the FASB Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-14, Not-For-Profit Entities (Topic 958): Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities. The webinar discussed the timeline and changes necessary to comply with the financial statements.

Allocation of Functional Expenses and Overhead/Indirect Rates

In this second topic of a six part series, GRF audit partners Jennifer Arminger and Robert Albrecht will explore the commonly challenging topic of allocating expenses across various operations, including different methodologies and best practice recommendations. Additionally, we will dive into the topic of overhead allocations and how to accurately track and report overhead to…

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Understanding Financial Ratios, Analyzing Unrestricted Net Assets and Setting a Proper Reserve

GRF audit partners Jennifer Arminger and Robert Albrecht presented this opening topic in a six part series, focused on how to properly read financial statements of a non-profit organization including an in-depth look at unrestricted activities and net assets and how to set a proper reserve. Additionally, they took a look at several key financial ratios,…

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Uniform Guidance with Procurement & Sub recipient Monitoring

This presentation is from a complimentary webinar on Highlights of Uniform Guidance Subparts A-F With a Deeper Dive Into Procurement and Sub recipient Monitoring. During the webinar, presenters covered the following: Introduction to Uniform Guidance New vs. Old Regulations Subpart A: Acronyms and Definitions Subpart B: General Provisions Subpart C: Pre-Federal Award Requirements Subpart D:…

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Property Management Under Uniform Guidance

The Federal Government provides more than $500 Billion each year in grants to the non-federal sector. Recipients of these grants that purchase equipment with their funds, are required to comply with the property management standards under the new Uniform Guidance, various reporting requirements, inventory and depreciation tracking, minimum insurance coverage and disposal regulations. Such regulations…

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