Services: Compliance

A Practical Guide to Consolidation vs. Combination of Financial Statements for Nonprofits

By Carlos Hurtado, CPA | Nonprofit Audit Supervisor In recent years, nonprofit organizations have drastically changed how they structure their relationship with related organizations. The relationship of an organization and its related entities is not only important to their operational, programmatic and financial goals; it may also significantly affect the audit of their financial statements….

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Expense Allocations & Indirect Rates – Changes in Trends & Implementation for New ASU 2016-14

With organizations  now required to present a statement of functional expenses under ASU 2016-14 and their financial information becoming more readily available to both donors and the public, it is more important than ever to have your expenses clearly identified and allocated properly. Incorrect functional and/or indirect allocation can render perfectly legitimate and necessary expenses…

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Why is Preparation of a Complete and Accurate SEFA so Imperative?

By Laura Malcom, CPA | Audit Manager The schedule of expenditures of federal awards (SEFA) is the “meat” of any Uniform Guidance audit. Often it is one of the first pieces of information that a CPA firm will request when designing and planning the audit. The total expenditures reported in the SEFA is the determination…

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Achieving Proper Segregation of Duties with Limited Nonprofit Resources

By: Alejandra Jensen, CPA, CFE | Nonprofit Audit Manager Although they recognize the importance of maintaining proper segregation of duties (SOD) as a risk management best practice, many nonprofits still struggle because of limited staff, scarce resources and tight budgets. These organizations are under pressure to cut costs, increase revenue, and identify additional funding streams…

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Change in Allowable Airfare: What’s the Impact?

Documentation can be challenging. A final rule was published in December of 2009 that revised the FAR cost principle on Travel Costs (FAR 31.205-46). The revision replaced the language “lowest customary standard, coach, or equivalent airfare” with “lowest priced airfare available to the contractor.” There has been much discussion as to whether the revision places additional…

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Revenue Recognition: New Guidance for Recording Contributions, Grants and Contracts (Topic 605/Topic 606)

In June, FASB issued an update to Topic 958, “Clarifying the Scope of the Accounting Guidance for Contributions Received and Contributions Made” to clarify how nonprofits determine whether a resource provider is participating in an exchange transaction vs. providing a contribution. Understanding how the new guidance affects revenue recognition is critical for all nonprofit organizations….

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