Services: Compliance

Revenue Recognition: New Guidance for Recording Contributions, Grants and Contracts (Topic 605/Topic 606)

In June, FASB issued an update to Topic 958, “Clarifying the Scope of the Accounting Guidance for Contributions Received and Contributions Made” to clarify how nonprofits determine whether a resource provider is participating in an exchange transaction vs. providing a contribution. Understanding how the new guidance affects revenue recognition is critical for all nonprofit organizations….

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Manage International NGO Risk Effectively with an External Field Office Audit

By: Max Manley, CPA | Nonprofit Audit Manager International NGOs (INGOs) working overseas in the development and humanitarian response sectors face a unique set of challenges and risks from both an accounting and operational standpoint. Whether your role resides at headquarters (HQ) or in a field office, as an INGO leader your responsibilities include managing…

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Changes to Recognizing Revenue with Implementation of AUS 2014-09: Is Your Nonprofit Prepared?

Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs and Financial Executives Alliance for an overview of the new accounting standard as it relates to nonprofit organizations. Our experienced CPAs will review the revenue streams affected and explain the potential impact to revenue recognition, measurement and reporting to help your organization assess the impact and develop an implementation…

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Implementing ASU 2016-14: Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities

Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs for an in-depth look at the new standard and learn how your nonprofit’s management can leverage it to your advantage. Slide Deck Click Here Recording Speakers Terri M. McKnight, CPA | Nonprofit Audit Partner and Director of Audit Amy Boland, CPA | Nonprofit Audit Partner

Maximizing the Audit Experience for Nonprofits – Getting the Most Out of Your Audit

This seminar is designed to help companies understand timelines for the audit process, how the auditors think and some tips on how to maximize the entire process. This seminar is presented by Nonprofit Audit Partner Andreas A. Alexandrou, Nonprofit Audit Partner Walter B. Derengowski and Senior Manager, Outsourced Accounting and Advisory Services Elinor Litwack.

Implementing ASU 2016-14: Leveraging the New Standard to Your Advantage

Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs for an in-depth look at the new standard and how your nonprofit’s management can leverage it to your advantage. Click here to view the slides.

Handling Functional Expenses and Developing Indirect Rates: Best Practices for Effective Nonprofit Financial Operations

Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs for an overview of allocating direct and indirect expenses and implementation of appropriate indirect rates. Click here to view the slides.

Handling Functional Expenses and Developing Indirect Rates: Best Practices for Effective Nonprofit Financial Operations

Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs for an overview of allocating direct and indirect expenses and implementation of appropriate indirect rates. Click here to view the slides.

A Checklist of Duties with Tax and Governance Implications

Documentation and accountability are always important in business, but even more so for a not-for-profit agency. The sheer number of duties can be daunting. That’s why it’s crucial to have tools which allow you to stay on top of the details. Here’s a chart which may help you stay organized and make tracking easier. Consult…

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