Services: Enterprise Risk Management

Risks and Rewards of Digital Transformation

Slide Deck Digital technology is changing the way associations operate. As we look toward 2020, digital disruption offers a number of benefits, but the risk associated with transformation is real and addressing that risk should be a top priority. The good news? With careful planning and coordination, association leaders can take action to combat risk…

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Why Associations Are Implementing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

By Melissa Musser, CPA, CITP, CISA | Principal, Risk & Advisory Services For years, associations have taken a siloed approach to risk management, focusing on areas like cybersecurity. More are now widening their nets, using ERM to ensure unexpected dangers don’t derail their association. When it comes to risk management, some may think of areas…

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Is Your Nonprofit Organization in Survival Mode?

Nonprofits have at least one thing in common with for-profits: Only the strong survive. The nonprofit sector is extremely competitive and even a relatively small shift of fortunes can threaten an organization’s future. When events such as the death of a major donor or the loss of grants, organizations turn to their leaders to minimize…

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Be Prepared: Why Enterprise Risk Management is Essential for Nonprofits

By Melissa Musser, CPA, CITP, CISA | Risk & Advisory Services Principal Corporations and organizations have long understood the value of systematic planning for worst-case scenarios to avoid unwelcome surprises, known as enterprise risk management (ERM). ERM is a proactive, multidimensional process of identifying, assessing, cataloguing, and preparing for potential negative organizational outcomes in order…

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