Services: Enterprise Risk Management

Virtual Cyber Symposium for Nonprofits & Associations

Virtual Cyber Symposium for Nonprofits & Associations: Tax exempt organizations are not exempt from the growing threats of cyberattacks. Nonprofit organizations and associations hold valuable data and place a high value on their reputations, making them a frequent target for hackers. Join our experts for compelling insight into today’s threats to nonprofits, how to prioritize…

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GRF CPAs & Advisors Supports International Fraud Awareness Week

GRF is once again promoting anti-fraud awareness as an official supporter of International Fraud Awareness Week, taking place November 12 – 18, 2023. Supporting organizations are spreading the word about identifying and preventing fraud, and GRF is sharing helpful tools and information, which can be accessed on the firm’s Fraud Awareness Tips and Resource Page….

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Fraud Awareness Tips and Resources

International Fraud Awareness Week takes place November 12 – 18, 2023 Fraud Awareness Week highlights how crucial it is for organizations to pause and reflect on the evolving landscape of fraud risks. In an era where the convergence of technology and human ingenuity continues to shape our world, the need for proactive risk management is…

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A Guide to Third Party Risk Management

Understanding and mitigating third party risk has become more important than ever, which makes now the perfect time for your organization to implement a third-party risk management program. This guide covers several aspects of third-party risk management, including steps for developing a program, tips for vetting new vendors, and the new risks presented by AI tools.

Cybersecurity: Is AI the Secret Weapon?

Join us as we delve into the cutting-edge realm of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the ability to anticipate, identify, and counter emerging cyber threats is paramount. That’s why we’re excited to present a comprehensive exploration of AI-enabled threat intelligence, uncovering actionable insights from data, and fostering collaboration between AI…

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ESG for Non-Profit Risk Managers

Bottom Line: ESG is becoming more important to donors, employees, partners, and other stakeholders. Non-profit risk managers need to be prepared to answer tough questions about how their organization is managing critical ESG risks. ESG Basics for Non-Profits ESG refers to environmental, social, and governance factors in an organization’s operations. There is no universal definition…

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Mitigate Online Donation Risks with PCI Compliance and Third-Party Risk Management

Taking donations online is a huge benefit to nonprofit organizations, but online payments also expose potential risks. To safeguard their operations and donors’ financial information, nonprofits must prioritize Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance and third-party risk management. Nonprofits are at a higher risk of credit card test attacks than other organizations due to certain functionality…

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