Services: Outsourced Accounting

Harnessing the Power of Excel: Tips and Tricks for Financial Professionals

Despite the emergence of a number of new software tools, Microsoft Excel is still considered essential to many organizations for planning, forecasting and budgeting. Financial professionals gravitate to Excel’s simplicity and cost, but few have a good command of the valuable advanced features that can save time and improve reporting. Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman…

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GovCon 5-Part Webinar Series

Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs and Aldebaron, Inc. (SYMPAQ) hosted a 5-part, complimentary webinar series designed to help government contractors win and maintain government contracts. Experts in federal government requirements and compliance help participants overcome common business challenges and develop a competitive advantage. Part 1 – Developing DCAA-Compliant Indirect Rates Government contracting compliance experts provide…

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Outside Insight: When Outsourcing HR Makes Sense

The ever-increasing burden of government regulation on small businesses doesn’t make compliance easy, especially when small-business owners spend so much of their time performing “nonproductive” obligations. Many small and midsize businesses today simply can’t afford to employ managers dedicated strictly to human resources. The answer may be outsourcing. Fortunately, there’s a great range of options…

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