Services: Outsourced Accounting

Audit Not Required? Understand Your Options (Preparations, Compilations, Reviews) and Best Practices for Being Well-Prepared

Join Gelman, Rosenberg & Freedman CPAs for an overview of the difference between an audit and its alternatives. Click here to view the slides.

Insurance Issues for Government Contractors to Consider

Are you self-insured? You may be under a related Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and not even know it. The FAR addresses the allowability of insurance in FAR 31.205-19 Insurance and Indemnification. Among other conditions, F 31.205-19 (c) requires that self-insurance costs be measured, assigned and allocated in accordance with Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 416 (48…

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The Road to Audit Readiness: Best Practices for Closing the Books at Year-end

Join us and learn how to avoid some of the common pitfalls that often lead to audit adjustments. Click here to view the slides.

Uniform Guidance with Procurement & Sub recipient Monitoring

This presentation is from a complimentary webinar on Highlights of Uniform Guidance Subparts A-F With a Deeper Dive Into Procurement and Sub recipient Monitoring. During the webinar, presenters covered the following: Introduction to Uniform Guidance New vs. Old Regulations Subpart A: Acronyms and Definitions Subpart B: General Provisions Subpart C: Pre-Federal Award Requirements Subpart D:…

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QuickBooks Fundamentals – Best Practices for Nonprofits – October 2015

During a morning workshop on QuickBooks fundamentals for nonprofit organizations, Partner Ian Shuman reviewed best practices for new users including: Orientation and basic navigation Recording expenses Recording income Hodge-podge: credit cards, journal entries and bank reconciliations Basic reporting Common QuickBooks errors