Services: Tax Planning and Preparation

SIMPLE IRA vs. Solo 401(k): Which Is Right for Your Small Business?

Small business owners have several options for their retirement plans. Two tax-smart and flexible alternatives are SIMPLE IRAs and solo 401(k) plans. If you’re eligible for these types of plans and you want to maximize your tax-deferred savings, which makes more sense? Here’s a series of side-by-side comparisons to help you decide. Eligibility Requirements SIMPLE…

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Handling Law Firm Start-Up Expenses For Tax Purposes

If you are starting a new law firm, you may incur several different types of “pre-opening expenses.” By pre-opening expenses, we mean those that are incurred during the period before the new firm is actually up and running and earning revenue. Special federal income tax rules apply to such pre-opening costs. This article summarizes how…

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Beware of Scams Surrounding Long-Term Care Coverage

Studies show a rising number of people will enter a long-term care facility at some point in their lives, often at a younger age than they expect. Many more will require the help of medical personnel in their homes. Either way, the costs range from expensive to insurmountable. That’s where long-term care (LTC) insurance becomes…

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When Dollar-Cost Averaging Makes Sense … and Doesn’t

The benefits of dollar-cost averaging (DCA) are generally extolled by market commentators and investment providers. But this well-regarded strategy may not always be the best approach for individual investors.1 What is Dollar-Cost Averaging? Dollar-cost averaging is the practice of buying a fixed-dollar amount of a particular investment on a regular schedule over a period of time….

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How to Make the Tax Code Work for You

By April 20, 2018, 138 million taxpayers had dutifully filed their federal income tax returns.¹ And all of them made decisions about deductions and credits — whether they knew it or not. When you take the time to learn more about how it works, you may be able to put the tax code to work…

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IRS Offers QBI Deduction Safe-Harbor Rule for Rental Real Estate

The IRS recently issued guidance on the new deduction for up to 20% of qualified business income (QBI) from pass-through entities under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). It aims to clarify when the QBI deduction is available for income from rental real estate enterprises. The QBI deduction is allowed only for income from…

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DOs and DON’Ts to Help Avoid Collection Problems

Many companies run into problems with customers or clients not paying their bills on time — or not paying at all. The best way to avoid uncollectible bills depends on several factors — such as whether you sell products or services and the type of payment practices that are customary in your industry. For example, payment…

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No Current Deductions Before Business Commences

Starting up a business and wondering about how tax deductions will be handled? The most important thing to understand is that most expenses incurred before a business begins functioning cannot be deducted or amortized until the year when the business does become active. Business Expense Basics Section 162 of the Internal Revenue Code allows current deductions for so-called…

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Tips for College Graduates on Making Financial Decisions

Graduation can be one of the most exciting — and intimidating — times in your life. You’re officially an adult, and with that new-found independence comes financial responsibilities. No pressure, but the decisions you make today about spending and saving can mean the difference between struggling for the rest of your life and building a solid…

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Dealing With College Costs

Don’t let the high cost of a college education prevent you from developing an effective strategy to deal with those costs. Before you can determine how much to save for your kids’ college educations, there are several decisions to make: Does each child require the same level of support? While parents typically want to treat children…

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